Management Committee Structure
The Management Committee (MC) comprises 12 members elected, on a simple majority, at an alternate Annual General Meeting to serve a 2-year term, as follows:
- A Chairman
- A Vice-Chairman
- A Secretary
- A Treasurer
- An Assistant Treasurer
- 7 Ordinary MC Members
MC takes cognizance of the need for the Lodge to keep a balanced mix of MC members with diverse expertise and background in areas including financial management and control, medicine, strategic planning, law, fund raising etc.
MC should comprise members who possess suitable
- Personal attributes like integrity, maturity, confidence and high standards of excellence
- Core skills or competencies like accounting, finance, legal, human resources, business and management, strategic planning, leadership, fundraising, communications and relevant sectoral knowledge (such as health and social services, education, arts/heritage, sports, youth, religion, the environment); and
- Commitment necessary to govern AHL effectively
MC members, where necessary, are to develop these skills and competencies and to keep abreast of relevant laws and regulatory requirements.
Duties and Responsibilities
The MC maintains overall strategic direction and management of AHL, whilst delegating the day-to-day management and operation to the team headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The MC shall:
- Define, focus on and review AHL’s mission and purpose;
- Set and review organisational policies to ensure organisational safeguards are in place and specific outcomes are achieved;
- Periodically review programs and services rendered by AHL to ensure that they are aligned with intended specific outcomes;
- Act in the best interest of AHL and exercise independent judgement;
- Exercise control over fiscal management of the Lodge:
- Ensure AHL remains solvent;
- Ensure funds and assets are deployed reasonably, and solely for the furtherance of AHL’s objects;
- Avoid undertaking activities that will place funds, assets and reputation at undue risks; and
- Ensure that there is a procedure for confidential reporting of suspected improprieties.
- Ensure that AHL complies with the Charities Act, the requirements of the Office of Commissioner of Charities, various Byelaws and Regulations;
- Ensure proper management of AHL such that it is not opened to abuse and conflicts of interests: and
- Comply with the rules set out in AHL’s constitution and other prevailing legislations which govern AHL’s activities such as the Society Act, if applicable.
Code of Conduct
The MC shall:
- Make best efforts to attend MC meetings regularly and should not be absent for three consecutive meetings
- Make best effort to attend the General Meeting of the Lodge
- Not act contrary to the express wishes of the General Meeting
- Not scold or admonish any of the staff and refer any comments to the CEO for action
- Be allowed to enter upon the premises of the Lodge but should first inform the CEO
- Be prepared for MC meeting by reviewing agenda and supporting materials
- Take up task appointments when their capacity and capability allow
- Be mindful of their public image